Have you had a recent bad customer experience? I had one this week. I was as always in a rush trying to get to a dentist appointment and I needed to take a cab. I look around and I see a Shell station which I know has an instant teller. I go in there and try to withdraw some money only to find a half of a $20 bill when the money cam out. Here is the email I sent to Shell:
I had a terrible customer experience at your Shell station at Sheppard and Wilson Heights on April 25. I was using the Scotia bank machine at your “convenience store” and I had withdrawn $60. As the money was being dispensed, I noticed a problem with the machine and one of my $20 dollar bills was torn in half. I went to the store clerk who directed me to his manager. When I explained the situation and showed him the $60 dollars that I had just withdrawn with the torn $20 bill he told me that there was nothing he could do. That’s BS. He could have taken my torn $20 bill, given me $20 from his register and followed up with Scotia directly. I’m sure the other half of the $20 is still in the machine and the next time that they came to empty the machine he could have alerted them to this problem and they would have compensated your store owner. Instead, the store manager acted like an ass and I’m out $20. Moreover, I had a terrible experience at your store and I refuse to go back to Shell. I’ll also be blogging about this experience as I don’t want others to face the same problems. Here’s the bottom line: If you provide a service in your store, train your managers to deal with problems that come up in an effective manner. Telling me that “it’s not my problem” was not the right answer. I would never treat my customers that way I was treated this week and you should be ashamed.I'll let you know if I hear anything. These days, you can't let people get away with this crap. With places like Starbucks that are all about the customer experience, I can't beleive that all businesses are not aligned with thsi concept with competition being so fierce in the gas station market with gas prices going up and up.
Have you had similar experiences?Chad H.
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