In an earlier post on
Bad Customer Experiences I told you all about my tragic experience at a Shell gas station a week ago. Well Shell responded to my email and has sent me this note:
Dear Mr. Horenfeldt,
Thank you for taking the time to forward your concerns to the Shell Helps Centre. Pleas accept my apology for the delay in responding. Customer feedback is something I take very seriously and appreciate you having taken the time to email us.
I have looked in to this matter and forwarded your complaint to several departments to get a better understanding on how to handle this situation. As you can imagine this is a unique situation, retailers don't experience this quite often. Scotia Bank was also contacted, and what they explained is, in this case they would want the customer to call the 1.800.472.6842 (located on the ATM machine) or present the torn bill and the receipt to the bank and the customer would be reimburse. Or if you are not a Scotia bank customer you could bring it to any bank and they would also reimburse you.
In regards to the retailer and the unfortunate experience you had with him, I can assure you that his behaviour is not representative of the service you can expect at our retail sites. Retailer could of taken the torn bill and replace it for you, then he would be able to go to the bank and get reimburse, or he could of called the 1.800# on the Scotia Bank ATM and gotten directions. However like I've mentioned before retailers don't experience this on a regular basis and there not quite sure how to handle it. We will take this opportunity to educate the retailer what to do in these instances, and we will also be contacting his supervisor to make sure this is handled accordingly.
I tried to look up the station with the address you provided me, but I am not finding a match. Would you know the exact the address of this location? We want to make sure that we pass the information to the right retailer. And in the interest of customer service, please allow me to send you $20.00 in gift certificates to thank you for bringing this to our attention and for the frustration you encountered. Please reply and provide your mailing address and I will send these out to you.
I regret this incident and hope you will consider giving us another opportunity to show you that Quality Service is of great importance to Shell Canada.
Again, Mr. Horenfeldt, thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.
Stephanie Changkye
Customer Service Representative
Shell Canada Limited
Here is a company that has got it right in terms of customer support. I found it easy to voice my complaint using their website and they replied to me in less then a week. I sent a reply back to Shell thanking them for their note and I will go back to Shell as a customer as they trully understand the importance of each customer and turning a negative experience into a postive one. Kudos Shell!
Chad H.
PS - I still haven't heard from Scotia Bank.
PPS - Don't let businesses (B2B or B2C) treat you like shit and get away with it.